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What is Reiki ?

Reiki is an energy healing art originating in Japan.

Rei means soul /spirit and Ki means life energy. This practice does not belong to any religion.


What happens during a Reiki treatment ?

You will either lie down on a treatment couch or sit in a comfortable chair.

I will hold my hands on or near various positions on your body and channel the reiki energy/ healing energy.

The purpose is to promote self-healing and relaxation.

There is no massage or manipulation involved. 


Will I feel anything ?

 Expect to feel relaxed and perhaps you will fall into a light sleep. It is common for people to have vivid daydreams, see colours, feel temperature changes in the body and have tingling sensations. It is also possible that you will not feel anything at all, this does not mean that the treatment is not working.
Reiki always works even if you cannot feel it.


What are the benefits?

Reiki encourages a healthy flow of energy in the body to reduce stress and promote self healing. It is a fantastic treatment for any type of anxiety , depression , insomnia, pain management , past trauma, overall emotional well-being and a great mood booster !

Reiki Treatment
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