Fertility Acupuncture
According to recent studies undertaken by the NHS , one in seven couples have difficulty in conceiving. The term unexplained infertility is increasingly common
The good news is that the number of couples who are actually infertile is lower than 5%. If you are experiencing problems with conceiving it does not mean you are infertile.
There are many factors that can have an impact on fertility such as : genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, sleep, stress , PMT, STD’s, gynecological disorders , medical history etc. There are many ways in which you can help your fertility by changing your lifestyle and taking care of yourself .
Acupucnture can really help whether you are trying to conceive naturally or planning assisted conception such as IVF.
How can acupuncture help with fertility?
Acupuncture is holistic and will always aim to find the root of the problem.
Each treatment will be concentrated on your individual fertility issues.
Research studies indicate that acupuncture may help fertility by:
-Regulating hormonal imbalances
-Improving blood circulation to the ovary and uterus
-Helping to stimulate ovulation in women with no or irregular ovulation
-Helping women with Endometriosis, PCOS, pelvic pain, PMT , dysmenorrhea
-Improving the menstrual cycle
-Promoting egg implantation
-Improving sperm motility and egg quality
-Reducing stress and improving sleep patterns
What happens during a treatment and how many sessions will I need?
At the first consultation I will take a thorough case history and in particular ask about your periods, any STD’s , contraceptives , medical history and your lifestyle. It is helpful if both you and your partner can attend the first consultation.The menstrual cycle is vital to a woman’s health in Chinese Medicine , it tells a lot about your wellbeing and also about your fertility issues. It is usually best to come for initial weekly treatments 3-4 times. I will then have a good understanding of your menstrual cycle and can formulate a Chinese Medicine diagnosis. Thereafter it might be enough to see you once or twice a month. If sperm parameters are an issue I would recommend weekly treatments for 3 weeks then monthly.
Acupuncture for IVF
It is advisable to have acupuncture treatments well in advance of any planed IVF procedure to keep your body in balance and in optimal health.
It is recommended that you have weekly acupuncture once you have started the IVF medication and then two sessions on the day of egg collection, that is one before and one after egg collection. Two sessions on the day of transfer ( pre and post) and then a final treatment four to seven days after the transfer.
If you have already started your IVF journey and only just discovered acupuncture don’t worry, acupuncture is beneficial at any stage of the process.
IVF discount packages are available contact for further information.